“The Climate Crisis is an issue that cannot — and must not — be dismissed, avoided, or put on the back burner hoping that the federal government or some other entity will fix the problem for us. There is an immediacy to this threat that requires all of us to be proactive and take responsibility for our little corner of the world as we work to further reduce our municipal greenhouse gas emissions and develop additional mitigation policies to address current and future impacts.”

– Fred Costello Jr, Supervisor, Town of Saugerties NY


Winston Farm is a natural carbon sink and should remain one if Saugerties is truly committed to mitigating the effects of climate change. The developers’ proposal to clearcut 275 acres of hardwood forests would turn this sink into a source of massive emissions.

Farms and forests are powerful nature-based carbon sinks. Watch the brief USDA Climate Hubs’ video above to learn more.

From sink to source of emissions

Development at Winston Farm would change this natural carbon sink into a source of carbon emissions. Both deforestation and disturbing soil structure release stored carbon back into the atmosphere.

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